Like it or not, New Year’s is right around the corner, which means chances are you’ve already started making some New Year’s resolutions.

After all, resolutions aren’t that hard to make: eat better, lose weight, clean more often, call home once a week, volunteer once a month…the lists are endless.

What is hard is keeping track of and following through on those resolutions.

According to, losing weight was the number one resolution made in 2016.

Not surprising.

What may surprise you is that the same study revealed only 8% of us were successful in achieving their resolution last year.

Eight percent!

To say your chances of failing are high would be an understatement…pessimistic, but an understatement.

One proven technique for succeeding in your goals is to write them down. But not many people carry around a pen and paper anymore.

smart watches

One trend that may actually help in achieving your resolutions this year is a wearable fitness tracker. Tracking New Year’s resolutions not only gives you a record of your accomplishments so that you can properly readjust as you move from week to week, but the instantaneous results also provide opportunity for daily victories.

And we’re not just talking your standard fitness band; today wearable tech has taken on a variety of shapes and sizes, from watches and wristbands to pendant necklaces.

So if one of your resolutions is looking fashionable in addition to being healthy, we’ve got you covered.

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