The holidays are a precious time to enjoy family, reflect on the year’s events, and create a vision for the year ahead. For many, this is often the only time that people can officially unplug from their life. Calls and emails aren’t flooding in, meetings are postponed, and for once it’s quite.
This is the ideal time to rest before the new year springs into full force. So whether you’re traveling, staying with family, or relishing in the silence of your own home – take advantage of this time to unplug and recharge. Because many of us forget just how to do that, below is your holiday gift (from a fellow workaholic) with 10 ways to unwind over the holidays.
10 Ways to Unwind Over the Holidays
1. PJ time
Say “later gator” to your heels, blazer, and jewelry and slip into some pajamas that are pure comfort. All. Day. Long. Not only will you be wildly comfortable, you’ll send a psychological message to your body and brain that says, “it’s vacation time ’round here!” It will also invite the rest of your family to unwind and take a pajama day for themselves – and they’ll love you for it.

2. No makeup or hair – don’t care
While in the comfort of your own home or with close friends and family, give your skin and hair a break. Many women are constantly putting on makeup, taking off makeup, washing hair, spraying hair, curling, straightening, and blow-drying. Let your skin and hair breathe by going au naturale. It’s great for your skin and hair and lets you use the time that you would be getting ready for more important things – like doing absolutely nothing.
3. Get lost in a book
A good book will take your mind for a ride while your body rests. It’s like being a passenger in a car – you’re going places, but the author is driving while you sit back and enjoy. Let yourself forget about the day-to-day business of your business and that to-do list that seems to get longer instead of shorter, and treat your mind to some good old-fashioned entertainment.
4. Holiday soundtrack
When is the last time you just sat and listened to your favorite song? Not listened while driving or working- just sat and listened to the words, the melody, and the way it makes you feel. Put in some headphones, lay back, and let yourself get carried away to wherever the music takes you.
5. Phones off
For those who get a legit break during the holidays, turn off by releasing distractions and overstimulation by quite literally turning off your phone. Symbolism is a beautiful thing and the separation from this one piece of technology could feel like a meditation in itself!
You don’t have to be a recluse, but try limiting how often you check your phone. You might be pleasantly surprised that you can survive just fine without it.
6. Have a “visit”
Back in the olden days, people used to go to their friend’s and family’s house to “visit.” I know – crazy. We are so glued to technology and the business of activities that a lot of us miss out on distraction-free interactions. Enjoy the person in front of you and see where the conversation goes without bright shiny objects!
7. Holiday cheer
Sit and sip on something delicious while enjoying the company around you. Hot cocoa with marshmallows, mom’s homemade eggnog, or a pumpkin spice latte – give yourself a treat. These seasonal beverages often bring up a lot of nostalgia around the holidays, letting your whole being know this is a special time of year.
8. Nature walk
If there’s nature around, go out and enjoy it! The pace of this time really only happens a few times of year, and being in nature without having to check your phone is a heaven unlike any other. Take a stroll, hug a tree, or at the very least go for a walk and appreciate the season around you.
9. Pamper yourself
When’s the last time you were able to sit and really let those nails dry? Or you took the time to have a nice long soak in the tub? Treat your body with love by giving yourself a facial, manicure, or bubble bath. You have the time and these activities are meditative if you surrender to the relaxation. You’ll also look fabulous and rested for those family photos!
10. Families who watch together…
I’ve saved my favorite for last! One year my whole family – from four-years-old to eighty-nine – binge-watched all the Star Wars movies together. It was fun to share that experience and the inside jokes that followed are still circulating. Share your favorite holiday films with the younger generations, or let them share their favorite cartoons with you. Find entertainment that includes the whole family and see bonds form through storytelling and laughter!
Take this time to create memories with friends and family that you’ll have trouble topping next year! To jumpstart this season and get yourself in the right frame of mind, here’s a Gratitude Guide – 5 Ways to Say Thank you!