As you enter Macy’s and take in all the gorgeous displays, new collections, and perfumes to sample; your gal pal makes a beeline for what she’s there to buy. If everything inside of you wants to hide her to do list and make her try on sequin gowns – just for fun – you, my friend, are a right-brained shopper.

Macy's Right-Brained Feature Image

You’re creative, intuitive, and often go with your gut. You might not know exactly what you’re looking for but when you see it, you know instantly. You like how clothing makes you feel and are constantly receiving compliments on your creative combinations.

You’re a one of a kind – in every sense – so a boring ole shopping list just won’t cut it. Here are five creative strategies for right-brained shoppers to help you stay true to your nature and snag the ultimate finds!

1. Vision Boards

While lists and spreadsheets put you to sleep, a creative mind is full of information that needs to be expressed. A vision board (digital or tactile) for every season is a fun expression of colors, vibes, and styles that you fancy. Here are some great tools to help you bring your vision to life!

  • Pinterest – Pinterest boards were made for this. Find inspiration from other right-brainers too!
  • Scapple – Great way to layout photos and text any way you see fit.
  • Canva – This program not only lets you upload photos, it has – what feels like – endless fonts, graphics, and colors to choose from.
  • Adobe Photoshop – for the more advanced, Adobe Photoshop has next-level capabilities.
  • Good ole fashioned poster board, glue, and magazine cutouts.

Create categories that make sense to you – like by season, item type, or color scheme. Now you’ll have a place to house all of that inspiration so that it’s there when you’re ready to shop!

2. Play Dress Up

Some right-brained shoppers consider it a cruel form of punishment when forced to buy something basic. Conservative business suit? Yawn. Basic black heels? Double yawn. Instead, let your creative juices flow by jumping into the mind of a fictional character.

Abby from ABC's Scandal
Abby from ABC’s Scandal

Play dress up! If you were on a workplace TV show, who would you want to be? Maybe a character on ABC’s Scandal, like Abby Whelan – a chic, White House Chief of Staff with a secret. Choose what character you need to dress up as and shop for her. What kind of pants would this character wear? Now you’re creating a costume instead of hunting for a boring pair of slacks.

3. The Gift of Time

Plan ahead. Right-brains give the most thoughtful gifts and need time to make it just right. If you’ve decided not to crochet those baby booties on your sister’s gift registration, do yourself a favor and shop far in advance.

Try making a handwritten wall calendar marked with birthdays, holidays, and special events to use every year. Now you’ll never forget what’s in your shopping cue. Feel like leaving your comfort zone? Try our Strategies for Left-Brained Shoppers post for ideas.

4. Macy’s Daily Deals

Check out the daily deals and pop-up sales on Peruse with no pressure to buy and see if anything inspires you. With their low prices and free shipping offers, it’s fun to sneak a peek at things your closet could be craving.

Pop in and start the hunt. What’s on sale today? What has free shipping? Are there any gifts you’re looking for? Enjoy scrolling through the variety of visuals to find your next gem.

5. Make a Full Brain

There will come a time when a last-minute gift or article of clothing is needed in a hurry. In these cases, as amazing as it is to have a mind that goes with the flow, there’s just not time for it.


Grab your left-brained girlfriend and have her hold your hand. She’ll act as an accountability buddy to help you find that dress shirt for tomorrow’s shoot (and keep you from wandering off). Know thyself and bring in people to keep you on track when you need it. Then, give yourself a little treat by trying on those sparkly gowns in the window – just for fun.