The buzzing energy of day-to-day life can be exciting, but after some time, most people need to take a timeout. We need space to reflect, unwind, or just zone out to give the brain some R&R.

Macy's Introver Checklist

Breaks are healthy and offer the mind, body, and spirit time to recharge so when you do step back into society, you’re raring to go. Whether you’re a full-time introvert or going into a brief hibernation, there are ways to optimize that anti-social phase. Below is an introvert’s checklist, one that covers everyone from seasonal visitors to professional loners.

An Introvert’s Checklist

Get Lost in a Book

Remember when people used to read books? Those paper things with words on them? Escape from everyday life, lie back and enjoy a good read. The best part about a hiatus is that you can read anytime, day or night. So have a nice reading lamp nearby, ideally one with various settings, so you can stay swept up in your story even after the sun goes down.

Pretend to be Shakespeare

Pour your thoughts onto the page in the form of a poem, haiku, or with good old-fashioned journaling. While computers allow us to type at a rapid pace, this is the time to slow things down. Physical writing spurs creativity by allowing you the space to process what’s inside of your head and your heart. So this time, try pen and paper.

Yoga Time

What better way to connect with your mind and body than to practice yoga? Go to a studio or practice at home – with endless online content, you’ll never have to step outside if you’ve put yourself on voluntary house arrest. Grab a yoga mat, dim the lights, and Namaste your way back to center.

Macy's Escape with music

Escape with Music

Noise-cancelling headphones are an introvert’s best friend, keeping unwanted chatter and distractions a thing for those other people to worry about. Zone out at home or use them on your work break to make your “in-between time” as precious as possible. These headphones from Beats by Dr. Dre not only look cool with different colors to choose from, but they block out the noise, have premium sound, and are Bluetooth compatible.

Light Candles

Something magical happens when candles are lit – not only do the good ones have an amazing aroma, lit candles make a place feel more serene. Choose your favorite scent and light some candles to ignite your precious ‘you time’. There’s a lot of symbolism involved that will tell your subconscious, “It’s time to relax now.”

Macy's Virtual Reality

Change Realities

There’s no escape like a good video game, and there’s no video game like one in VR! A virtual reality headset will transport your mind and convince your body that you’re in a completely different reality. Enjoy a 360-degree experience without having to go to a crowded theme park!

Unwind and Recline

If you thought recliners were just for your father, you’re missing out. A comfy recliner is an absolute heaven. You can adjust it to your liking, watch TV, read a book, or just sit there enjoying the peace and quiet of nothingness. Like a hug on your entire body, you can enjoy a little nap without ever leaving the living room – it’s your introvert time, after all.

Macy's Woman Hiking

Connect with Nature

If you’re the type of person who recharges from the outdoors, consider a nice, long day hike or a weekend camping trip. Enjoy the grounding that nature provides and soak up some vitamin D while you’re at it. Take the right protective gear, especially quality hiking shoes, and socialize with butterflies and sunshine.

Desk to go

Because you’re unplugged, going into a home office or workspace is probably the last thing you want to do. But that doesn’t mean you can’t snag your laptop for some Netflix time, or enjoy journaling in your rest areas. A lap desk will give you the best of both worlds – comfortable access to your computer without having to sit in a stuffy office environment.

And while you’re taking extra good care of yourself, Sami has a great blog that will keep you on the healthy train with Nourish Your Body in 3 Steps!